
That's who we are

A team of specialists who have accumulated their own experience and knowledge, have different skills and areas of professional interest, each distinguishes by temperament and energy. However, we are united by one name and a common goal - to take full care of you and give you the best experience while working together.

Beauty therapist,

Graduated in the field of beauty therapy. Has the qualification and license (No. ASL-11608) of a therapeutic massage specialist. Has been learning the techniques of traditional Thai, sports massage, foot reflexotherapy and facial chiromasage IQ (3 levels). She gained the knowledge of body and facial procedures, as well as massage techniques from world-famous cosmetic companies. Berta worked at the Elemis Spa in Cyprus for two years. After returning to Lithuania, she continued her professional activity as a manager in a spa hotel near the seashore. Currently focuses to facial massage and procedures. This work is her greatest passion. She is able to balance her experience, skills and client needs in such a way that each appointment is different, only more wonderful and memorable.

Masseuse, specialist of therapeutic massage

Completed the studies of physical therapy. Has the qualification and license (Nr. ASL-01438) of a therapeutic massage specialist. Has been learning the techniques of myofascial, sports massage, lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite and Hawaiian massage. She started her professional activity in one of the largest spa centers in the capital city. Currently works in the studio, participates in sports events to perform massage for athletes. Justina is seeking for knowledge in physiotherapy, especially in the fields of traumatology and neurology. Interested in kinesiology taping and applies it in practice. Tennis is her favorite sports activity. So, everything that is related to movement, sports, human health is the object of her interest and the direction of professional development.

Beauty therapist,
Specialist of KOBIDO

Graduated the Art of beauty school, obtained international diplomas of CIDESCO beauty therapist and INFA beauty aesthetics. She passed three levels of Japanese therapeutic facial massage Kobido with teacher Diana Gerviene. These teachings sparked Anželika's love for this facial massage. She continued to improve her skills while working at the spa center, performing facial massages and procedures. Anželika always felt a great desire to help people.It was Kobido massage that opened the way for her to help others feel better.


Masažuotojos profesinį kelią pasirinko kineziterapijos studijų Klaipėdos Valstybinėje Kolegijoje metu. Stažuotė Sakartvele pakeitė požiūrį į gydymą, ten ir susidomėjo masažu kaip alternatyviu reabilitacijos būdu. Grįžusi baigė masažuotojo mokymų programą, žinias gilino Shiatsu taškinio ir kitų masažo technikų kursuose. Praktikos įgijo dirbdama privačiame SPA Klaipėdoje, persikėlusi į Vilnių darbus tęsia viename didžiausių SPA centrų.

Skaistė yra stipresnių masažo technikų gerbėja, todėl giliųjų audinių, sportiniai, anticeliulitiniai masažai yra jos „arkliukas“. Su malonumu atlieka atpalaiduojančius, gydomuosius masažus, nes turi norą padėti žmonėms, domisi žmogaus psichologija, emocijų, minčių ir kūno sąveika. Jos aistra yra šokiai. Masažas Skaistei tai lyg šokis rankomis, kurį kurdama kitiems pati jaučią begalinį džiaugsmą.


Welcome to Reina

Step into a true oasis of digital beauty we devised for your new beauty center, resort or spa website.

Monday to Friday
09:00 – 20:00 hrs
09:00 – 18:00 hrs
11:00 – 18:00 hrs